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You confirm you are aged 18 years or over, are of legal drinking age and that any purchases you make will be for personal use only. By selecting the “Remember Me” option, you consent to us using cookies to remember the validation of your year of birth. See our Privacy Policy for information on how we handle your personal information.Jeir Creek Wines is passionate about protecting and enhancing our beautiful land and working as sustainably as possible to reduce our footprint. We are putting in many Initiatives within the winery and vineyard to reuse, recycle and improve biodiversity. Our aim is to work towards complete organic practices in the vineyard.
Some of our initiatives in the last twelve months include
- All cardboard and green waste is chipped and used in mulch for our vineyard and property
- All our winery grape marc waste is turned into compost for our vines
- We have invested in equipment to plant cover crops, our power harrow means we do not need to herbicide to kill existing grasses before we plant. The cover crops we have planted so far in the vineyard: increase Biodiversity, reduce fuel emissions, and lower watering requirements.
- We do not use any herbicide under the vine, instead cover crops and mowing.
- Our new irrigation system will include our windbreaks and fence line so we can plant trees/flowers that will help attract native predatory insects to help naturally reduce any pest issues in the vines.
- Our new winery wastewater system to be installed will allow us to reuse our winery wastewater for our property
- We have sheep that help to maintain grass around the property and provide manure to the soil. We have plans to put in the infrastructure to be able to graze the sheep in the vineyards over winter.
- We have replaced old wooden posts with Oclock steel posts and all our new blocks are being planted this year using Oclock steel posts. We chose steel as more sustainable than wooden posts, which last longer and are recyclable.
- Watch this space for chickens and much more